Welcome to St. Roberts

A very warm welcome from our parish - Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert. Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, seeking to help the poor, the marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society.  Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, hope, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Mary Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples.  Please do join us. 

We hope that this website will give you the some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.



A very warm welcome to our parish of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert.


Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, we are called to help the poor and marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society. 


Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Our Lady Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples in the context of the sacramental life of the Church and as a parish in the Diocese of Leeds.  Please do join us. 


We hope that this website will give you some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.


March 28, 2025
Pastoral letter for the Annual Appeal for Catholic Care - Caritas Leeds
March 17, 2025
Recently it was announced that, due to an accumulation of quite urgent work which needs to take place on the church and presbytery, mainly in the area of roof and drains, we would be setting up a Building Fund to ease the burden on existing parish funds. Just to update everyone, we are grateful to the parishioners who have joined a small Building Fund Committee to steer things. A number of ideas were put forward at the initial meeting and it was decided to launch the fund on Low Sunday (27th April). A number of parishioners have indicated that they would like to add to the fund in this financial year and arrangements have been made so that this can happen through contact with Caroline in the parish office. Once the fund launches, an overview of the proposed works with pictures of some of the affected areas will be available on the parish website along with regular updates on the progress of both the fund and the work. Just now, the architect’s proposals are going through the various diocesan committees
March 16, 2025
Throughout Lent, on Tuesday evenings, there is a series of House Masses in the parish. A sign up sheet is available in the narthex for the next mass to be held at 7pm on Tuesday 25th March. Thank you to the Walker family for hosting the first Lenten House Mass. Details of where the Mass is being held will be sent to you after sign up - just drop an email to Caroline in the office once you're on the list. Those hosting will provide a room for the Mass and tea/coffee afterwards.
By Simon Bradbury March 6, 2025
Fr Simon writes: I'm sure that, in the last few weeks, many of us have been disturbed by events on the world scene as lines of division between nations have deepened and hopes for peace seems to have taken a downturn. Often, at times like this, we can only turn to prayer as 'nothing is impossible for God' (Luke 1:37). Together, as a parish, we are invited to come together to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, in Mass, the sacrament of Reconciliation and in the Stations of the Cross during a period of 24 hours from 6pm on Friday 28th March to 6pm on Saturday 29th March. The event will open with Station of the Cross at 6pm followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and confessions will be available in the sacristy immediately following the Stations. The Blessed Sacrament will remain on the altar for adoration until 5pm on Saturday when Mass will complete the 24 hour period of prayer. Confessions will be available between 11am and noon on Saturday and at the usual time between 4pm and 4.45pm, giving pa
March 3, 2025
Stations of the Cross for Lent take place on Fridays at 6pm in Church including Good Friday. They are led by different parish groups each week. Please do join us for this journey with Christ in His Passion.
February 28, 2025
Father John Butters of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, formerly professor of Moral Theology at Ushaw College, will lead us in a day of recollection on Wednesday 9th April with the theme of looking towards the liturgies of Holy Week. Do join us for what should be an enjoyable and stimulating day of prayer and reflection towards the end of the Lenten season. Timings for the day will be published in due course but it is likely to start sometime after 10am with coffee, a talk, exposition, Mass, lunch and a final talk. Fr Butters will also be available for confessions.

A very warm welcome to our parish of

Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert


Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, we are called to help the poor and marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society. All are welcome and all people who 'seek God with a sincere heart' will find a spiritual home at St Robert’s.


Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Our Lady Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples in the context of the sacramental life of the Church and as a parish in the Diocese of Leeds. 

We offer strong encouragement to Catholics to be faithful to the universal teaching of the Church regarding fidelity to the Sunday Mass. This is especially important when seeking the sacraments of initiation for our children. At their child's baptism, parents promised to be 'the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, bringing them up in the practise of the faith'. The Bishops are clear about the importance of Sunday Mass having published a document in 2021 entitled 'Honouring Sunday' in which they call Sunday Mass the ‘very heartbeat of the Church and of our personal life of faith’. They echo these words of Pope St John Paul II in his apostolic letter, ‘Dies Domini’:

The rather traditional way of keeping Sunday holy has perhaps become more difficult for

many people; but the Church shows her faith in the strength of the Risen Lord and the

power of the Holy Spirit by making it known that, today more than ever, she is unwilling to

settle for minimalism and mediocrity at the level of faith. (Pope St John Paul II)

We live in troubled times in which we need a strong, fearless and committed Church.  Those intent on living their Christian life to the full will find a supportive, welcoming and active community at St Robert’s.  Those who wish to learn how to live that life to the full will also find strength, guidance and support here. Do join us. You will find details of all Sunday and weekday Masses on the weekly parish bulletin.


We hope that this website will give you some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.

Parish News and Events

Please keep up to date with parish news and activities

Prayer Requests:

Please remember in prayer those who have died this week, may they rest in peace. Please pray for all the sick of the Parish, and those for whom Mass is offered this week, including those whose anniversaries occur at this time. 

If you would like to have a Mass said for a particular intention, there are envelopes available in the Narthex or talk to the parish office.




Prayer of St Bernard

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,

that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession

was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.

To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions,

but in thy mercy, hear and answer me.


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Loving God,

please protect our youth from the dangers

present in our world today.

Be with them through sickness and health,

sorrow and joy, loneliness and friendship,

success and failure.

Give them the courage and strength to make the right decisions. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.



March 28, 2025
Pastoral letter for the Annual Appeal for Catholic Care - Caritas Leeds
March 16, 2025
Throughout Lent, on Tuesday evenings, there is a series of House Masses in the parish. A sign up sheet is available in the narthex for the next mass to be held at 7pm on Tuesday 25th March. Thank you to the Walker family for hosting the first Lenten House Mass. Details of where the Mass is being held will be sent to you after sign up - just drop an email to Caroline in the office once you're on the list. Those hosting will provide a room for the Mass and tea/coffee afterwards.
By Simon Bradbury March 6, 2025
Fr Simon writes: I'm sure that, in the last few weeks, many of us have been disturbed by events on the world scene as lines of division between nations have deepened and hopes for peace seems to have taken a downturn. Often, at times like this, we can only turn to prayer as 'nothing is impossible for God' (Luke 1:37). Together, as a parish, we are invited to come together to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, in Mass, the sacrament of Reconciliation and in the Stations of the Cross during a period of 24 hours from 6pm on Friday 28th March to 6pm on Saturday 29th March. The event will open with Station of the Cross at 6pm followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and confessions will be available in the sacristy immediately following the Stations. The Blessed Sacrament will remain on the altar for adoration until 5pm on Saturday when Mass will complete the 24 hour period of prayer. Confessions will be available between 11am and noon on Saturday and at the usual time between 4pm and 4.45pm, giving pa
March 3, 2025
Stations of the Cross for Lent take place on Fridays at 6pm in Church including Good Friday. They are led by different parish groups each week. Please do join us for this journey with Christ in His Passion.
February 28, 2025
Many thanks to the children and staff of St John Fisher's and St Robert's Schools who joined us for Mass on Friday 7th March to mark the Jubilee logo arriving in Harrogate on its journey around every school and college as part of the Jubilee year. We celebrated together as 'pilgrims of hope' and reflected upon the importance of the Jubilee for our schools and our parish community. Over recent days the logo has also visited schools in Ripon, Knaresborough and St Joseph's Harrogate. We continue to pray for each other, fellow pilgrims of hope in this Jubilee Year.
February 28, 2025
Father John Butters of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, formerly professor of Moral Theology at Ushaw College, will lead us in a day of recollection on Wednesday 9th April with the theme of looking towards the liturgies of Holy Week. Do join us for what should be an enjoyable and stimulating day of prayer and reflection towards the end of the Lenten season. Timings for the day will be published in due course but it is likely to start sometime after 10am with coffee, a talk, exposition, Mass, lunch and a final talk. Fr Butters will also be available for confessions.
February 17, 2025
Fr Simon writes: As we head towards the Lenten season, I would like to recommend a book - Healing Wounds - for those who are seeking some Lenten reading. A contemplative book, Healing Wounds provides a structure to guide readers through a journey of reflection, beginning with the raw reality of suffering and moving toward the possibility of redemption and renewal. The author, Bishop Erik Varden, is a Trappist monk. Formerly the Abbott of Mount St Bernard's Abbey in Leicestershire, he is now the Bishop of Trondheim in Norway, the country of his birth. Bishop Varden is the author of a number of books and articles in the field of Christian spirituality and monasticism. He is likewise a musician and studied Gregorian chant, co-founding the Chant Forum with Margaret Truran of Stanbrook Abbey. I have six copies of his book, priced at £11.95, for those wish to buy one. Otherwise, it is available as a book or an e-book on Amazon or from other good bookshops and online retailers. We have arranged for two sessions
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 Join the parish 200 Club to have chance of winning monthly prizes and raising funds for parish activities.


 Click on the button below for more details and an application form.



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Our current Mass times for St Robert's can be seen below. Please check back regularly for any changes. Should Mass times be adjusted, then in the first instance we would recommend that you check the times below and always refer to the parish Newsletter.


St. Robert's Church


Saturday Vigil:   5pm


Sunday: 9.00am | 11.00am 


Please check weekday Mass times below on the bulletin as they are subject to change:


Monday: 12 noon


Tuesday:   9am


Wednesday: 12 noon


Thursday: Usually no Mass


Friday: 12 noon (Exposition 11.30am)



Sacrament of Reconciliation


Saturday 4pm-4.40pm



Also available by appointment


Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction


Friday 11.30am – 12 noon






St Robert’s Bulletin


No-one can really prepare you for the loss of a loved one. Many, (with good intentions), often respond the only way they know how - 'time will heal you.' The truth is, that when there is a void to fill that is so deep, all others can do is be there for you, and offer what love and help one can. We have prepared some useful resources for you on the link below; in the meantime, if you would like to talk with someone who would understand what you have been through; then we might be able to guide you. Most importantly we would urge you to remain prayerful and keep asking our Lord to help with the hurt and the pain that you may be experiencing..

Guidance for planning a funeral

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