A very warm welcome to our parish of
Our Lady Immaculate and St. Robert
Our God-given mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in active loving service, worship, sacrament and prayer. In particular, we are called to help the poor and marginalised - the most vulnerable members of our society. All are welcome and all people who 'seek God with a sincere heart' will find a spiritual home at St Robert’s.
Christ inspires all people to live free from sin, with hope and with hearts open to truth, love and compassion. With the Eucharist as the source and summit of our spiritual lives and under the protection of the prayers of Our Lady Immaculate and St Robert, we strive to continue Christ's ministry as faithful disciples in the context of the sacramental life of the Church and as a parish in the Diocese of Leeds.
We offer strong encouragement to Catholics to be faithful to the universal teaching of the Church regarding fidelity to the Sunday Mass. This is especially important when seeking the sacraments of initiation for our children. At their child's baptism, parents promised to be 'the first teachers of their child in the ways of faith, bearing witness to the faith by what they say and do, bringing them up in the practise of the faith'. The Bishops are clear about the importance of Sunday Mass having published a document in 2021 entitled 'Honouring Sunday' in which they call Sunday Mass the ‘very heartbeat of the Church and of our personal life of faith’. They echo these words of Pope St John Paul II in his apostolic letter, ‘Dies Domini’:
The rather traditional way of keeping Sunday holy has perhaps become more difficult for
many people; but the Church shows her faith in the strength of the Risen Lord and the
power of the Holy Spirit by making it known that, today more than ever, she is unwilling to
settle for minimalism and mediocrity at the level of faith. (Pope St John Paul II)
We live in troubled times in which we need a strong, fearless and committed Church. Those intent on living their Christian life to the full will find a supportive, welcoming and active community at St Robert’s. Those who wish to learn how to live that life to the full will also find strength, guidance and support here. Do join us. You will find details of all Sunday and weekday Masses on the weekly parish bulletin.
We hope that this website will give you some of the information you require regarding life at St Robert’s Catholic Church.