Fr Simon writes: As we head towards the Lenten season, I would like to recommend a book - Healing Wounds - for those who are seeking some Lenten reading. A contemplative book, Healing Wounds provides a structure to guide readers through a journey of reflection, beginning with the raw reality of suffering and moving toward the possibility of redemption and renewal. The author, Bishop Erik Varden, is a Trappist monk. Formerly the Abbott of Mount St Bernard's Abbey in Leicestershire, he is now the Bishop of Trondheim in Norway, the country of his birth. Bishop Varden is the author of a number of books and articles in the field of Christian spirituality and monasticism. He is likewise a musician and studied Gregorian chant, co-founding the Chant Forum with Margaret Truran of Stanbrook Abbey. I have three copies the book available, priced at £11.95, for those who wish to buy one. Otherwise, it is available as a book or an e-book on Amazon or from other good bookshops and online retailers. We have arranged for two sessions in Lent for discussion of the book in the parish centre over tea and coffee - one for those who cannot come during the day at 7pm on Monday 31st March and one on Wednesday 2nd April from 10.45am to 12 noon.
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