Throughout Lent, on Tuesday evenings, there will be a series of House Masses in the parish. A sign up sheet is available in the narthex for the next mass to be held at 7pm on Tuesday 25th March. Thank you to the Walker family for hosting the first Lenten House Mass. Details of where the Mass is being held will be sent to you after sign up - just drop an email to Caroline in the office once you're on the list. Those hosting will provide a room for the Mass and tea/coffee afterwards.
The growing faith of the Christian Church was not tolerated in the Roman Empire prior to 313 AD, when the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan permitting the Faith to flourish publicly. Prior to that time, Church buildings as we know them today were rare - Mass was usually celebrated in houses. In the history of our own nation, during penal times, Catholics had to gather in secret in houses where itinerant priests would celebrate Mass for illicit congregations.
By holding House Masses in the parish during Lent, the purpose is to bring the community together and give us a deeper appreciation of the sacred mysteries. The dates of the House Masses will be Tuesday 25th March, Tuesday 1st April and Tuesday 8th April. Thank you to those who have volunteered to host in this pilot project.
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