Parents of children in school year 4 and above who regularly attend mass are invited to make an application for the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
We are delighted that you have decided to continue your child's journey of faith following baptism and the sacrament of reconciliation, underlining your fidelity to regular Sunday Mass.
The First Holy Communion Programme will begin with a parents evening at 7pm on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 in the parish centre. This will be an opportunity for all parents to attend a presentation on what the programme involves and on the work that they are expected to do with their children at home between the sessions.
The catechesis will take place after the 9am Mass from 10-11.30am on Sundays 27th April, 11th May and 18th May with your child receiving First Holy Communion at your usual mass time throughout June. Please arrange with Fr Simon the mass date and time you would like your child to receive the sacrament for the first time.
A plenary mass, when all the children come together to be presented to the parish and receive their certificates, will take place at 9am on Sunday 6th July.
If you are content to commit to bringing your child up in the practise of the faith and are prepared to be part of the worshipping community of St Roberts, and would like to enrol your child for preparation for First Holy Communion, please complete the form in the narthex and hand to Fr Simon after Mass by 30th March 2025.
Please note if your child completed their First Reconciliation in 2025, your child will complete their First Holy Communion in 2026.
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