Recently it was announced that, due to an accumulation of quite urgent work which needs to take place on the church and presbytery, mainly in the area of roof and drains, we would be setting up a Building Fund to ease the burden on existing parish funds. Just to update everyone, we are grateful to the parishioners who have joined a small Building Fund Committee to steer things. A number of ideas were put forward at the initial meeting and it was decided to launch the fund on Low Sunday (27th April). A number of parishioners have indicated that they would like to add to the fund in this financial year and arrangements have been made so that this can happen through contact with Caroline in the parish office.
Once the fund launches, an overview of the proposed works with pictures of some of the affected areas will be available on the parish website along with regular updates on the progress of both the fund and the work.
Just now, the architect’s proposals are going through the various diocesan committees whose approval is needed in terms of art, architecture and finance (the church is a listed building). A reminder that the advantage of the Fund is that it can be gift aided and the Diocese will not take any portion of it as part of their assessment. We will keep parishioners updated as time goes on but, as always, thank you for your continuing generosity to the mission of St Robert’s.
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